Gearing Up For Fall

Everyone here at the Clearwater Syndicate is excited for another great fall dry line steelhead season. Cooler early season temperatures and good snow pack bode well for a great early season with a lack of thermal barriers at the dams.

We have the same great veteran guide crew returning to help you have a memorable time on the Clearwater. Dates are filling in so get yours, the sooner the better!

Above: Mia Sheppard during a really memorable moonrise and sunset on the big river.

Above: Mia Sheppard during a really memorable moonrise and sunset on the big river.

#spey #steelheadfly #flypattern #summersteelhead #flyfishing #dryflysteelhead #KlausFrimor #SingleHandSpeyCasting #idaho #dryline #LoopTackle #clearwaterriver #steelhead


Spey Clave!


Cool Graph of the Clearwater