The Green Butt Skunk Fly.

Step by Step Guide

Instructions on tying one of our favorites,

Green Butt Skunk “spey’ish style”.

Courtesy of our friend and master tier, Stuart Foxall.


Wrap your white thread down to the end of the shank. I’ve used white thread for the beginning of the fly to keep the butt of the fly nice and bright. Black thread would dull down the chartreuse dubbing.


And tie in some fine oval silver tinsel.


Wrap your tinsel in neat touching turns back towards the head of the fly and tie off the tinsel.


Tie in a red dyed golden pheasant crest as a tail. As this is a biggish fly and I want the tail to be more of a ‘trigger’ I have tied two crests in the tail.


Tie in the tail stalks all along the body length to keep the body smooth and bring your thread back down to the tail.


Twist on some chartreuse super bright steelhead dubbing to the thread in a very tight ‘rope’.


Wrap the dubbing back along the body to form a nice neat butt.


Tie in some silver tinsel of choice. I’ve used some wider silver oval tinsel.


Tie on some black thread and twist some black dubbing onto it into a rope. I’ve used a man made dubbing but seals fur or similar would be ideal also.


Wrap the black dubbing rope along the shank of the hook towards the head.


Counter wrap the ribbing along the dubbing in even turns to protect the body.


Tie in a black dyed pheasant rump feather as a hackle.


Wrap the hackle at the head tightly and tie in the wing. I’ve used polar bear here but calf, bucktail or white cock hackle feathers will work. To keep the Spey style look ive left the wing on the short side and tied flat.


Cut off the wing stub and form a nice, clean and small head. Whip finish off and varnish.